
Incomplete Sketches of Mental Life

Our mental images are the incomplete sketches upon which we build a whole world and in their useful ambiguity and uncertainty we cultivate our freedom to grow.


Hidden Geometry of Life in the Cosmos

Beautiful… and the fact that these spiral symmetries are ubiquitous as (a) most energy-efficient method of maintaining adaptive structural complexity is magnificent. There are abstract, logical corollaries of this. Interesting how life possesses similarities to abstract geometric patterns like this – adaptive systems that (soliton-like) autonomously self-propagate by the sustainably continuous information and energy-processing gradient […]


Love is a game best played by fools…

Love is a game best played by fools and in the end we are all played as so many fools by love.


Ignorance is Bliss

If it is true that ignorance is bliss, I am surprised that there are not many more blissfully happy people in this world. Ignorance, of course, has quite little to do at all with acquired knowledge or education and is more often a direct measure of a person (or group) being unable to accommodate the […]


Galaxies of Light: Civilisation, Entropy and the Blood-Dimmed Tide

Civilisation is as easily unwound as it is woven and when the unweaving overtakes the making, when the diffuse entropy and structural disassembly outpaces the aggregate capacity for humanity to innovate fast enough, the world falls apart. It will take profound humanity, compassion and intellect to resolve the darker futures we are facing and being […]


Climate Change: When the wind blows…

Climate Change is accelerating. Human organisational systems are already quite fragile (as an inverse yet direct measure of psychological, cultural and political immaturity) and will find themselves bearing the burden of an entropy they are poorly-prepared to negotiate. Expect dramatic and sometimes spontaneously self-organising conflicts, turbulence and political upheavals which will sweep away millions of […]


Diversity in Organisational Leadership

Monocultural or ideological hegemony in organisational leadership is a recipe for disaster. As a general observation, when organisational systems fall into overtly biased configurations and power symmetries, it is rarely a consequence of willful misdirection. From the interior surface of a half-mirrored labyrinth of self-validating justification and institutional logic, this kind of monocultural percolation may […]

Alien Anthropology

The Involuntary Nature of Belief

It is by way of the assertion of belief as a foundational property or quality of an interior surface or individuated self-identity that we unwittingly reproduce the information-processing systems of cognition and culture within which we are all embedded. No surprise then, perhaps, that these distributed, integrated and interdependent systems of autonomously self-propagating and aspirationally […]


The Oscillating Horrors of History

Context: Jonathan P. Baird: Nazi Germany and the fall of law It is a curious property of the dissociative logic and intractable pathology of any extreme ideological position, not just to sweep along compliant and unwitting collaborators who see in the asserted “strength” of their hollow belief system a reflexive framework upon which to hang […]


The Value of Controversy

Context: ‘It’s Going to Take a Long, Long Time.’ How the Uproar Over a Bollywood Lyric About Beyoncé Fits Into the Fight Against Colorism in India As Malcolm McLaren (as manager of the Sex Pistols) once noted – there is no such thing as bad publicity – he even cancelled performance to make the band […]



All grief is love, veiled.


Language, Personality and Self-Replication

We do not use language, it uses us and its greatest trick is to easily persuade us otherwise. Language defines or prescribes personality in ways which few of us are prepared to admit. The different patterns and structures of cognition implicit to any linguistic pattern of communication must inevitably shape and influence the overall ways […]