Alien Anthropology

The Physics of UFOs

Most certainly, do not simply believe in somethimg simply because it’s a cool or conpelling story. What, however, would it mean for there to be new physics here?

Alien Anthropology

Dark Side of the Moon

Context: Solar eclipse 2024: Millions in North America will view what promises to be a blockbuster We reflexively attribute significance as a function of the extent to which astronomical facts can be rendered intelligible by the transient communicative adaptation we more readily recognise as culture, as language and as the variously dissimulated fidelity of partial […]

Alien Anthropology


There are strange attractors in the high-dimensional possibility spaces that exist all around us. Our evolutionary inheritance and over-saturated attention dissociates us from it. Idioms and cliches are the central bank of a probability distribution. The simplest theatrical narratives and conceptual, behavioural vocabularies as compression. A battery and mirror for experience and decompressive enculturation. Information […]

Alien Anthropology

Censors and Actuators

A totalising political mindset becomes about as self-imprisoned by censorship as it is ever emboldened by it. If it were an unambiguously measurable property, I’d say the damage inflicted upon a nation’s prosperity and sustainable continuity is directly proportional to its self-isolation.

Alien Anthropology


Money is not the solution. It is the source of most of our problems. The worst thing about this strangely powerful abstraction of value and possession is that it seems as though inequitable outcomes are not only probable, they are positively mandatory in this complex system of systems that our world represents. For anything to […]

Alien Anthropology

Extraterrestrial Treaty

The first nation to engage in a treaty to leverage a learning relationship with an extraterrestrial civilisation shall likely find themselves so vastly overwhelmed by intelligence, technology and (all associated, downstream) complexity that they might later wish they had simply stayed in a cave sharpening the pointy sticks with which humans are so prone to […]

Alien Anthropology

Putin’s Fear

Last night I dreamed of Putin’s death. We might well ask how the life of one man is anchored upon the death of so many others, how the privileged wealth and power of a few are the necessary conditions for the desperate poverty of so many, and how the world yet again finds itself staring […]

Alien Anthropology

Russian Roullette: Strategic Void

Putin has mastered a political game of Machiavellian command and control, of surveillance and power but he remains quite clearly overwhelmed by the unmanageable complexities of the war he has invoked and inflicted as much upon his own people as upon the peoples of Ukraine and, through them, of the free world. The danger of […]

Alien Anthropology

Time and Tide: A War-Weary Sadness

Armageddon is in the news just now – how strange to have a word which invokes the end of all meanings, a system of belief that renders all belief as void and an Imperialist state that unwittingly seeks to atomise all kingdoms, all kings. The gullibility of people never ceases to amaze me and yet […]

Alien Anthropology

Nuclear Blackmail is an Imperialist’s Zugzwang

Ideological psychosis is quite real and plausibly only persists and serially, cyclically reoccurs in political systems because it represents the amplification (and inadvertent self-validation) of potential psychological fallibilities in every human mind. Putin’s pathological obsessions are part Machiavellian opportunist, part ignorant misanthrope, part kleptocratic mobster but I think the kernel core of his position on […]

Alien Anthropology

Whispering Doubts and Paradox

I wonder if we whisper little doubts to ourselves as ways of staying alive. Entertaining certainties is reassuring but leads to complacency and this, in turn, can lead to catastrophe. It is worth remembering that the definitions and identities we inhabit are only as bounded and certain as are the languages with which we inflate […]

Alien Anthropology

Climate Crisis, Logic and Oily Lies

Context: JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon: ‘Why can’t we get it through our thick skulls?’ America boosting oil and gas production is ‘not against’ climate change I suspect that his opinion is, much and in one way or another as are all systems of belief, a function of the extent to which language as abstraction has […]