

A theory describes itself and its own history as much as it ever comprehensively communicates or unproblematically renders its object, it sets out to prove that an absence of its opposite is the presence (and truth) of itself. A cunning gambit as the basis for confirmatory self-validation but grounded in this way in an abject […]

Alien Anthropology


Money is not the solution. It is the source of most of our problems. The worst thing about this strangely powerful abstraction of value and possession is that it seems as though inequitable outcomes are not only probable, they are positively mandatory in this complex system of systems that our world represents. For anything to […]


All Philosophy, Futile…

All philosophy is futile; all language, deception and were it not that we find ourselves lashed to the mast of this listless human endeavour in knowledge and technology, we should hardly know or be anything much at all. Philosophy seeks to explain with words that which must remain constitutively inexplicable. There falling inevitably backwards upon, […]

Alien Anthropology

A terrible sickening feeling…

…Year of the Tiger and not being the first time in history that an unrepentant tyrant has marched upon the brutalised bodies of the innocent and certainly not the first time that imperialistic misanthropes have enthusiastically misled their own people into a monumental catastrophe, it is the potentially global nature of this disaster that so […]


What is Love?

I wouldn’t hazard a guess between the two poles of neurochemistry or intradimensional (i.e. spiritual) resonance but I expect that it lies in this spectrum, somewhere, and perhaps in both (or several) places simultaneously. Some days I believe in spirit, sometimes in blind genetic compulsion but today is all that really ever matters and right […]


On unwritten words…

I have, it seems, made something of a life in words and the variously disambiguating compositional artefacts of language or thought (and other such conceptual melodies) with which we each and all make our ways and narrative meanings in or as this world, but I have not found happiness. There is an irremediable darkness here […]


No Bravery Without Fear

Bravery is not the absence of fear, it is the ability to act in spite of fear. Only a fool knows no fear and were it not that we demonise emotional experience in the ways we all do and as a function of the constructive paranoia that binds us all into one writhing mass of […]


Social Media and the Need to Feel Loved

You want to be loved for how you look but you need to be loved for who you are. The truth is, only one of these things matters and only you can work this out for yourself and this is not about simply hearing or reading these words, it is about listening, understanding and carefully […]


Can our ideas love us back?

If other people must always and to some extent only ever be ideas to any of us, how can those ideas ever love us back without the whole thing devolving into intricate games of haunted, hollow and narcissistic self-deception? What, in essence, is the meta-ethical solution here? Is there one? I suspect there is, but […]


Romeo and Juliet

It seems that the greatest love stories could only ever be tragedies. We can not, it seems, help but be fascinated by catastrophe as some congenital cognitive or cultural programming and visceral predisposition to regret that we can hardly ignore but often enough also fail to acknowledge. More than this, though – we are each […]


Unread letters, like forgotten dreams…

Unread letters, like forgotten dreams acquire as much literary value in their obscurity as they do an equivalent degree of emotional gravitas. There was a time when people wrote thoughtful, reflective and intelligent letters to each other and in all the playfully-constructive ambiguities of language and meaning there sought to explore, discover and redefine themselves […]



We have all and for so very long defined ourselves by a conceptual difference and distance we now accept as necessary that we fail to see that the loneliness and isolation this exclusion brings has become the one thing that unites us all. It is as though we seek to experience and know the world […]