
Regulatory Entropy

Institutional continuity (and all that follows) is reciprocally self-defined through assertions of regulatory control, surveillance, power and – yes – strategy; an interface and communications bridge or feedback loop of some sort forms and self-sustains in this way. This mirrors many a parochial epistemology, but – is the control system and model as adaptive as […]


Entropy: Organisational Change

Complex systems probabilistically tend (and trend) towards lowest energy cost, statistically median solutions. Once in place, these are natively and autonomously-oriented towards the reproduction of an environmental context as transmission medium for that emergent system or heuristic. Seeking alternate paths of divergent conceptual vocabulary or usefully unorthodox behavioural grammar is problematised not only by the […]

business Organisation Philosophy

Organisational Competencies

Context: Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? The brilliant systems (i.e. organisational, operational) theorist Russ Ackoff once framed an uncannily similar issue along the lines that our organisational systems are in general exquisitely well-structured to continue producing precisely the wrong kind of thing. We might constructively decompose the problem into one not dissimilar […]


Thinking Slow, Thinking Fast, Thinking Beyond Binary Systems

This is an age-old competition between efficiency and resilience, aesthetics and utility. While efficiency and resilience are clearly placed here, aesthetics (as perception or experience) and utility (as effect-multiplication or intentional consequence) oscillate across arbitrary boundaries and definitions. There is an unacknowledged dimension to this binary model; that is, not so much that any reductive […]


Organisational Philosophers?

The art of the concept (as Philosophy) is one which, perhaps, largely sits outside the grammatical and behavioural constraints of non-trivially sophisticated (i.e. complex) organisational or corporate systems, and for all that it remains as plausibly unintelligible to those systems as it simultaneously embodies inestimable value for them. It is in many ways not that […]


On Training Minds and Machines to be Flexible

One thing humans do share with the machine intelligence we are so enthusiastically refining is a conspicuous (or at least institutionalised) absence of aptitude when it comes to smoothly and efficiently negotiating unexpected events and volatile environments. The benefits of integrated logistical automation are clear but when it comes to training the machine intelligence that […]


Global Pandemic: Our Institutions have failed us

In our darkest hour, the breadth and depth of institutional insolvency unveils itself – as though we were not all already aware of the compound ethical, economic and intellectual bankruptcy of our era – and stands naked and useless like a balance sheet providing shelter from a storm.

Alien Anthropology

Disentangling Bureauracy

It is fascinating to consider that an anachronistic hierarchy produces precisely the organisational inertia and systemic entropy that it itself is best oriented to negotiate (and through this to endlessly reproduce its own self-validating necessity). It is quite likely that the path of least effort and autonomously self-organising (i.e. low energy-state, minimal algorithmic complexity) systems […]


The Ghost Ship of Organisational Mismanagement

…and what is the Marie Celeste, the Ghost Ship of lost management, other than a rudderless and listless vessel, a Ship of Theseus, revisiting the misinterpretations and confusion of the Elders upon their progeny? It is of course simpler to copy, to replicate, to adhere to the blind grammar and rules-based “but this is Best […]


Cyber Insecurity: Endless Breaches

Context: New Data Breach Has Exposed Millions Of Fingerprint And Facial Recognition Records: Report There is an enigma here, far beyond the rank foolishness of keeping vast quantities of such sensitive data in an unencrypted format (see the linked article), there is a deeper problem. The more valuable any data is, the more incentive there […]

Psychology systems

An Organisational Uncanny Valley

The entities and artefacts we make “in our own image” include the abstractions and patterns through which we understand and organise the world and ourselves.


Cumulative Cultural Evolution

Cultural change is cumulative self-gravitation.