

We are all swept away by the normative idioms of our era. It is only really ever true that in retrospect the particular peculiarities of cultural identity and material self-expression become apparent. This (our) moment in time is not marked by any unique idiom or stylistic trait so much as the aggregate and accelerating dissolution, […]


Suspending Disbelief: Displacing Self into Art and Visual Culture

It is such a natural experience to us that we hardly notice our almost total suspension of disbelief in the artifice of form, volume and depth. Would a 15th Century mind experience this image the same way we do? Our world is awash with visual representation in ways that Early-Renaissance Europe undoubtedly was not. While […]


Byzantine Gold: Touched by Infinity

Byzantine gold has a peculiar way of causing the unstructured (i.e. pre-linear perspective) depth to pop out of the image, de-emphasising the figures. This kind of representational method has a strong resonance with theological narratives of the impurity and “fallen” nature of humanity. It serves as a psychological mnemonic that cultivates an ambient visual field […]


Selfless Love and Paradoxical Emptiness

The presence of absence, of difference and that distance by which perception and experience are even made possible is that mystery which we might aspirationally identify or at the very least interpret as love. Romantic love between two human beings, or platonic and selfless compassion from one person directed to the whole world, is in […]


The Extra-Dimensional Abstractions of Religion in Art

The dancing rhythm and flow of colour and form, the interdependent harmonies of narrative and depth: the presence of Christ (here) is that third perspectival point that inflates, shapes and guides another extra-dimensional space and geometry of psychology, perception and projection. Rubens cultivates a representational gravitational node that here manifests in a recursively self-propagating representational […]

Alien Anthropology

The Psychological Physics of Fakes

Fakes fly faster and further than facts for pretty much the same reasons that it is easier to break stuff than to make it: entropy. It’s not a long stretch of the intellect, imagination or of verifiable observational experience to perceive that, given a platform and a digital device, any wingnut with an axe to […]

Alien Anthropology

We’re on the Road to Nowhere

The kind of puzzle indicated here are commonly associated with a genre of social media clickbait that often leads down a steep rabbit-hole of commercial datapoint acquisition. Cambridge Analytica’s artful gullbility-harvesting tests were a case in point and emphasise a significant correlation between (personal) online identity-construction and the production of an implicit informational value around […]


Fake News is an Inevitable Consequence of Difference

How true it is, but how simultaneously true that: As a gestalt information and energy processing system, the world (of culture and cognitive-extension in, through, and as technology) is one of difference and dissonance in which each might experience themselves as a unique or tribally-affiliated individual. This autonomously self-propagating algorithmic gestalt is oriented towards a […]


Melancholy and the Infinite Sadness

Somewhere in the deep dark pit of indeterminate catastrophe that we call our shared Global history, we find ourselves endlessly seeking reasons, causes and inviolable proofs to explain just why our world is the way it is. Our linear, narrative minds are so entrained and reflexively conditioned by these visceral, intimate experiences of time and […]

art communication culture

Curatorship: Creativity is not Bounded by the Borders of an Artefact

Observe: the creative node in a cultural network – the artefact, the object, the concept – is never the terminal boundary of the artist’s endeavour. The contour and flow of living information systems in minds and cultures are dynamic and adaptive; the life and boundless complexity of an artefact is that cascading field of consequence […]

culture Psychology

The Selfie Slaves

The extent to which we manifest or express individual self-determination in a virtualised, distributed public display of visual social-media identity-construction is simultaneously the measure of our imprisonment by that dragging anchor and inconstant vessel of Self. Self-definition is (a) freedom but it is simultaneously the persistent dragging anchor and burden of an external world, internalised […]


Epidemiological Entropy: Modeling Coronavirus

Uncertainty (and it’s irreducible twin shadows of proliferating information and entropy) represents an implicit logical discontinuity in, and of, information systems.  This is the central abstract artefact around which complex systems self-gravitate, accelerate, self-replicate and autonomously self-propagate in, through, and as internal system structure and environmental information and energy flows. This recursive entanglement and adaptive […]